Fabian Cancellara joins ILEVE DISTRICT cycling glasses

Have you ever felt the urgent need to tell your friends and fellows a well-kept secret so that you can share the excitement together? If so, then you probably know what we have been going through in the last couple of months. And how relieved we are that it’s finally official: Fabian Cancellara joins our ride and supports us in cycling glasses development with his expertise and as a brand ambassador!

Fabian Cancellara is a man of success: He is a two-time Olympic Champion, four-time World Champion, and multiple winner of the Spring Classics. And he is so much more. In recent months, we’ve also gotten to know other facets of Fabian. Such as his passion for innovative technology and high-quality products. Or his loyalty to Swiss manufacturers. So Fabian and ILEVE DISTRICT are a perfect match – and he is going to contribute his many years of expertise to the development of our cycling glasses.
«ILEVE DISTRICT offers creative freedom where I can bring in my experience from professional cycling into product development»
Fabian Cancellara

The cycling pro and the eyewear start-up from BernE

Fabian only lives two stops away from Stettlen where we have our office. Is this a coincidence? Well, it probably is, but it is also one of Fabian’s concerns to promote the local cycling industry. This is by the way also a reason why Fabian cooperates with brands like BMC from Grenchen, DT Swiss from Biel, and Suplest Shoes from Burgdorf. And now with ILEVE DISTRICT another partnership with strong local anchoring is being established. With Fabian we are not just connected through our geographical proximity. It is also the accuracy, the love for the details, and the common beliefs in sustainably manufactured products that brought us together.

«Successful partnerships are based on the same values. Short coordination paths and an exchange at eye level are important to me.»
Fabian Cancellara

A common passion for cycling

Those of you who have been following us for a while know that we are on fire for cycling and everything that comes with it. We want to continuously improve our cycling glasses and move away from linear towards circular eyewear design. With Fabian Cancellara, we have found a like-minded partner who shares the same passion, values, and vision for sustainability in cycling. It is such a huge milestone for us that we were able to win Fabian for our team. And who could be a better ambassador for our Swiss made cycling glasses than Spartacus himself?

«I’m fascinated by local 3D printing manufacturing. The innovative technology will offer many more possibilities in the future.»

Fabian Cancellara


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